🇮🇷 Iran's "Operation Truthful Promise - وعده صادق" on Israel : Live Coverage

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Well, Iranians know what they are doing. Why Israel has to be the wiser all the time? This is a new world.
I bet Irans moved anything and everything of value from its above ground facilities long ago in anticipation of an attack. Iran fighting against the big boyz head on like a big cat….if it was us our jharrnail would’ve long surrendered cuz we can’t survive without western support longer than a month…😝….our jharrnail are a joke and I seriously doubt if we even have control over our nukes anymore. The funniest thing about nukes is that you can’t use em. And if you ever do use them, then you’s committing suicide. I try explaining dis reality to our bewquff countrymen, but then they get sad. Idiota can’t get their head around this truth. They refuse to believe that nukes are legacy weapons and totally worthless in da modern era.
[H1]Iran's Mehr news agency removes report about closing Tehran's airspace, denies publishing it[/H1]
In the original report posted on X, the semi-official news agency cited the Iranian defense minister as saying that all air traffic had been suspended over Tehran from 2030 GMT on Wednesday "due to military drills."
Will the agency tap our Munira and jihadi cabby now to create an Islamic distraction on Irans eastern flank? Remember the first to sell out is usually the muzlim wahabbi no? I bet Jesh Adl is being prepped for another suicide attack by our agencies under the US gun. If the CIA can pull it off in Russia, using the Ukro’s….then we are just easy pickings. I bet Munira aims to please considering our economic situation:
[h1]Newer Iranian Missiles Do Not Use GPS[/h1]All the missiles built in Iran over the past 12 years do not use any international positioning systems, the agency reports Fars, citing an informed source in the aerospace forces of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps of Iran (IRGC, elite units of the Armed Forces) who commented on reports of jamming of the GPS signal in Israel.
Last week, a source close to Israel's security forces confirmed to RIA Novosti that Israeli intelligence services are carrying out massive jamming of the GPS signal in different parts of the country to, among other things, confuse potential enemy air targets, such as rockets or drones, this is happening against the backdrop of threats from Israel. Tehran responded to the recent attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus carried out by aviation Israel.
Russia's foreign ministry told citizens they should not travel to the Middle East, especially to Israel, Lebanon and the Palestinian territories.
Iran has issued NOTAM

Following news about Iran's planned attack:

  • that an Iranian attack will be big enough to hit Israel hard, but not too big to draw Israel and others into a wider regional conflict;
  • that Israel is jamming GPS all over the country to prevent precision GPS guided missiles from hitting their targets;
  • whether Israel's anti-missile defense systems can meet the potential challenges;
  • U.S. officials instructing its embassy staff not to leave big cities until further notice;
  • what this is doing to tourism, the economy, calling up reservists again, and how its impacting society broadly;
  • what if anything this is doing to negotiations to release ALL the 133 hostages Hamas holds in captivity in Gaza;
  • world governments telling Iran not to launch an attack that will create a wider conflict;
  • Israel's Homefront Command instructing Israelis on how to be prepared for an attack, supplying homes and bomb shelters, and generally to be aware;
  • how all this is going to impact the upcoming Passover holiday and preparations for it;
  • and as of this writing, intelligence reports that an attack may be within 24-48 hours.
As a Muslim, I must say this. I think it is foolish for Iran to stand up to USA directly.

USA offers a lot more to the world than Iran can.

USA has a population of 333 million. Iran has a population of 80 million people.

Those Shias are walking towards the path of destruction.
The word is Salafis. Wahabbis is a term used in the West.

The correct term is Salafism. They are Sunnis who are very close to following the Sunnah and the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

Alright, But is Iran wise to be USA's enemy?
Iran is an isolated country on the world stage, their economy is bad, etc.

Saudi Arabia is wise to cooperate with USA and milk USA as much as they can.

Waiting for your response @Old School
Alright, But is Iran wise to be USA's enemy?
Iran is an isolated country on the world stage, their economy is bad, etc.

Saudi Arabia is wise to cooperate with USA and milk USA as much as they can.
yaar sawdi judea has been subdued/ defeated by da Irani's long ago and MBS sahb realized that the US has been milking them for a whole century selling them junk weaponry and running their economy/ oil industry. He finally understood this reality and told da US/ UK that he is no longer interested in playing US proxy in da Sy-Raaq nor in Yemen nor Lebanon. Multi-trillion dollar Sawdi military supplied by the west and only defeats to show for it in the whole region. MBS sahb luckily has learnt from his mistakes.
The word is Salafis. Wahabbis is a term used in the West.

The correct term is Salafism. They are Sunnis who are very close to following the Sunnah and the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

Alright, But is Iran wise to be USA's enemy?
Iran is an isolated country on the world stage, their economy is bad, etc.

Saudi Arabia is wise to cooperate with USA and milk USA as much as they can.

Waiting for your response @Old School
You are fascinated by the Saudis so here is a different perspective:
1. They are being milked and not milking. 4th largest defence budget and it could not protect its own refineries in Dahran from Iran. All it could do was project Israel like indiscriminate attacks on Yemenis which too it could no dominate and had to negotiate the end as its cities were getting hit by Houthi missiles.
2. The NEOM project is the dumbest idea known to man and MBS is milking away is wealth to European consultants and contractors .

3. Sometimes countries do stand up for principles. Something the camel traders of Saudi Arabia and UAE would know as they backstabbed the Palestinians by having relations with Israel. You know what the big news in Dubai on Nov 15th was when Gazans were being mercilessly slaughtered: that Emirates flight to Tel Aviv not likely to begin Till end of Nov. This is what the camel traders were focused on.

I really don’t care about the sunni/shia, but I am glad that Iran has not been co-opted/corrupted that it alone is the only country that intimidates Israel. Rest of Muslim leaders and countries Egypt, Turkey) are all losers. It took South Africa to bring Israel to international court of justice
I just hope there is proper leadership among muslim countries ASAP! The west has literally sucked out all our wealth over da last century and here we are reduced to calling each other Sunni/ Shia/ Barelvi/ Wahabbi or Kaafir/ Momin......And all dis while the West has sucked out trillions in resources from our countries. Bewquff khotay are we! nobody else. Stupid Iran being da adult in da room and the only one among us to actually be in a position to do the right thing needs to take charge and prevent a catastrophe which is causing millions of our ghareeb dying for no good reason.
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The word is Salafis. Wahabbis is a term used in the West.

The correct term is Salafism. They are Sunnis who are very close to following the Sunnah and the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

Alright, But is Iran wise to be USA's enemy?
Iran is an isolated country on the world stage, their economy is bad, etc.

Saudi Arabia is wise to cooperate with USA and milk USA as much as they can.

Waiting for your response @Old School
Try reading this book to find out who milks who in the Saudi-American affairs. The writer was a high government official for the NSA in the US :
[H1]Confessions of an Economic Hit Man[/H1] by John Perkins
[H1]Huge Iranian counter-strike on Israel expected within hours – US[/H1]
Hundreds of drones and dozens of missiles could rain down on the Jewish state over the weekend, American officials claim
If you care so much about the Palestinians, why don't you go to Palestine and support them.
Personally I believe two state solution is the answer to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

Secondly, Iran is an enemy of USA, Saudi Arabia is not.

Saudis are going to USA to get educated and then they come back to Saudi Arabia to fix their country.
@Old School

In response to your comment, I would love to read the book, but I'm a little busy at the moment.
I too am not for USA. Or why should I even care about USA, its not my country. I know USA has committed crimes
against humanity in Vietnam and Iraq. There is no doubt about it.
But Saudi Arabia is playing it smart by trying to milk USA as much as they can.
The Saudis I talked to in Saudi Arabia also do not like USA either, but cooperate with them to reap the benefits they can.
Russia just chose quite the wrong moment to conduct a test-firing of an intercontinental ballistic missile from its Kapustin Yar airbase in southern Russia. The rocket was reportedly seen soaring high in the atmosphere from parts of northern Iraq and Iran, triggering concerns it was Iran beginning its attack. Russian test launch is seen as far as from Northern Iraq.
Below are some breaking headlines:

  • ALERT US sends reinforcements to Middle East amid fears of Iran attack: official
  • A large number of Iron Dome missiles were launched in the Upper Galilee after a salvo of 50 missiles was launched from Lebanon
  • Israel's Channel 12 reports Home Front Command has sent hospitals a message in the last hour asking hospital managers to ensure staff availability.
  • The White House has Confirmed a change in U.S. Force and Alert Posture across the Middle East, but has Refused to go into further details.
Multiple European airlines have canceled all flights to and from Iran, and flight trackers also indicate that skies above Israel are clear of civilian aviation.

Speculation is at a frenzy over the 'when & where' of the coming Iranian retaliation attack. "Anonymous US officials" have been feeding alarming headlines to media outlets all day - and among them the following:

Iran has readied a large number of missiles for a possible strike, according to three U.S. officials. Two of the officials said that Iran has readied more than 100 cruise missiles for a possible strike. Iran has also readied a sizeable number of drones that could be used in an attack on Israel, according to one official.
The officials said that Iran has been readying the missiles and drones over the last week.
The Pentagon has continued to move US naval assets closer to Israel, in apparent preparation to assist in repelling any potential attack.

Some have speculated that Hezbollah's stepped up attacks on northern Israel in the last hours are meant as a prelude to bigger Iranian attack...
Iran Readies Over 100 Cruise Missiles For Possible Strike Against Israel: US Officials | ZeroHedge
The US has observed Iran moving military equipment, including drones and cruise missiles, around the country, signalling that it may be preparing to attack Israeli targets from within its own territory, two intelligence officials told CNN reporters.

However, it is not clear whether Iran is preparing to strike from its soil as part of an initial attack, or whether it is posturing to try to deter Israel or the US from a possible counterstrike on its territory.

One of the intelligence officials said the US had observed Iran preparing as many as 100 cruise missiles.
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