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[🇧🇩] Chittagong Hill Tracts----A Victim of Indian Intervention

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G Bangladesh Defense Forum
তিন পার্বত্য জেলায় পরিস্থিতি নিয়ন্ত্রণে সরকার কাজ করছে: প্রধান উপদেষ্টার কার্যালয়


পার্বত্য জেলায় সংঘর্ষ প্রসঙ্গে যা জানাল আইএসপিআর
তিন পার্বত্য জেলায় শান্তি ও সম্প্রীতি বজায় রাখতে সর্বসাধারণকে বিশেষভাবে অনুরোধ জানানো হয়েছে।


পার্বত্য জেলায় উচ্ছৃঙ্খল জনসাধারণের মধ্যে চলমান সংঘর্ষ প্রসঙ্গে বিবরণ দিয়েছে আন্তঃবাহিনী জনসংযোগ পরিদপ্তর (আইএসপিআর)।

আজ শুক্রবার বিকেলে আইএসপিআর এই বিবরণ দিয়েছে।

এতে বলা হয়েছে, গত বুধবার (১৮ সেপ্টেম্বর) খাগড়াছড়ি জেলা সদরে মোটরসাইকেল চুরির ঘটনাকে কেন্দ্র করে কতিপয় উচ্ছৃঙ্খল জনগণের পিটুনিতে মো. মামুন (৩০) নামের এক যুবক নিহত হন। পরে সদর থানা–পুলিশ নিহত ব্যক্তির মরদেহ উদ্ধার করে ময়নাতদন্ত শেষে পরিবারের কাছে হস্তান্তর করে। এই ঘটনাকে কেন্দ্র করে গতকাল বৃহস্পতিবার (১৯ সেপ্টেম্বর) বিকেলে দীঘিনালা কলেজ থেকে একটি বিক্ষোভ মিছিল বের হয়। মিছিলটি দীঘিনালার বোয়ালখালী বাজার অতিক্রম করার সময় ইউপিডিএফের (মূল) কিছু সন্ত্রাসী মিছিলের ওপর হামলা করে ও ২০-৩০টি গুলি ছোড়ে। এ পরিপ্রেক্ষিতে বিক্ষুব্ধ জনতা বোয়ালখালী বাজারের কয়েকটি দোকানে অগ্নিসংযোগ করে।

এই সংঘর্ষ চলাকালে উভয় পক্ষের ৬ জন আহত হলে তাদের চিকিৎসার জন্য দীঘিনালা উপজেলা স্বাস্থ্য কমপ্লেক্স ও খাগড়াছড়ি সদর হাসপাতালে পাঠানো হয়। পরে সেনাবাহিনীর টহল দল ঘটনাস্থলে উপস্থিত হয়ে পরিস্থিতি নিয়ন্ত্রণে আনে এবং ফায়ার ব্রিগেড ও স্থানীয় জনসাধারণের সহায়তায় আগুন নেভায়। এই ঘটনার পরিপ্রেক্ষিতে খাগড়াছড়ি জেলা সদর, দীঘিনালা, পানছড়ি ও আশপাশ এলাকায় উত্তেজনা ছড়িয়ে পড়ে। সেই সেঙ্গ কতিপয় স্বার্থান্বেষী মহল সামাজিক যোগাযোগমাধ্যমে গুজব ছড়িয়ে ক্রমেই পরিস্থিতিকে আরও উত্তেজনাকর করে তোলে। দ্রুততার সঙ্গে খাগড়াছড়ি জেলার আইনশৃঙ্খলা পরিস্থিতি নিয়ন্ত্রণে আনার জন্য জেলা প্রশাসকের সভাপতিত্বে জরুরি ভার্চ্যুয়াল সভা অনুষ্ঠিত হয়। সভার সিদ্ধান্ত অনুযায়ী, পরিস্থিতি নিয়ন্ত্রণে রাখতে বৃহস্পতিবার রাত ১০টা থেকে খাগড়াছড়ি জেলা সদর, দীঘিনালা ও পানছড়িসহ সব উপজেলায় যৌথভাবে সেনাবাহিনী, বিজিবি, পুলিশ ও আনসার বাহিনীর সমন্বয়ে টহল দেওয়ার সিদ্ধান্ত হয়। পাশাপাশি বিভিন্ন কমিউনিটি লিডারদের (স্থানীয় জনগোষ্ঠীর নেতাদের) সঙ্গে আলাপ–আলোচনা করে সব পক্ষকে সহিংস কর্মকাণ্ড থেকে বিরত থাকার পরামর্শ দিতে বলা হয়।

একই রাতে (১৯ সেপ্টেম্বর) খাগড়াছড়ি জোনের একটি টহল দল রাত সাড়ে ১০টায় একজন মুমূর্ষু রোগীকে স্থানান্তরের সময় খাগড়াছড়ি শহরের স্বনির্ভর এলাকায় পৌঁছালে অবস্থানরত উত্তেজিত জনসাধারণ ইউপিডিএফের (মূল) নেতৃত্বে বাধা সৃষ্টি করে। একসময় ইউপিডিএফের সন্ত্রাসীরা সেনাবাহিনীর টহল দলের সদস্যদের ওপর গুলি করে এবং আত্মরক্ষার্থে সেনাবাহিনী পাল্টা গুলি চালায়। ওই গোলাগুলির ঘটনায় তিনজন নিহত এবং কয়েকজন আহত হয় বলে জানা যায়।

একই ঘটনার ধারাবাহিকতায় খাগড়াছড়ি জেলার পানছড়িতে স্থানীয় উচ্ছৃঙ্খল জনসাধারণ কয়েকজন যুবকের মোটরসাইকেল থামিয়ে তাদের ওপর হামলা ও লাঠিপেটা করে। সেই সঙ্গে উত্তেজিত জনসাধারণ ইউপিডিএফের (মূল) নেতৃত্বে ফায়ার ব্রিগেডের কার্যালয়ে ভাঙচুর করে।

আজ শুক্রবার (২০ সেপ্টেম্বর) সকালে পিসিজেএসএস (পার্বত্য চট্টগ্রাম জনসংহতি সমিতি) সমর্থিত পাহাড়ি ছাত্র পরিষদ রাঙামাটি জেলা সদরে 'সংঘাত ও বৈষম্যবিরোধী পাহাড়ি ছাত্র আন্দোলন'–এর ব্যানারে স্থানীয় জনসাধারণ রাঙামাটি জিমনেসিয়াম এলাকায় সমবেত হয়। এ সময় ৮০০-১০০০ জন উত্তেজিত জনসাধারণ একটি মিছিল বের করে বনরূপা এলাকার দিকে অগ্রসর হয় এবং বনরূপা বাজার মসজিদ, অগ্রণী ব্যাংক, জনতা ব্যাংক, সিএনজি-অটোরিকশা, মোটরসাইকেল এবং বেশ কিছু দোকানে ভাঙচুর ও অগ্নিসংযোগ করে। এতে উভয় পক্ষের বেশ কিছু লোকজন আহত হয়। উদ্ভূত পরিস্থিতি নিয়ন্ত্রণের লক্ষ্যে রাঙামাটি জেলা সদরে ১৪৪ ধারা জারি করা হয়েছে।

উপরিউক্ত ঘটনাসমূহের পরিপ্রেক্ষিতে চলমান উত্তেজনা তিন পার্বত্য জেলায় ভয়াবহ দাঙ্গায় রূপ নিতে পারে বলে আইএসপিআর সতর্ক করেছে। তারা বলেছে, অনতিবিলম্বে নেতৃস্থানীয় ব্যক্তিদের চলমান উত্তেজনা প্রশমনে আইনশৃঙ্খলা রক্ষাকারী বাহিনীকে সহায়তা করার জন্য অনুরোধ জানানো যাচ্ছে। যথাযথ তদন্ত কার্যক্রম সম্পাদনের মাধ্যমে প্রকৃত দোষী ব্যক্তিদের শনাক্তপূর্বক প্রয়োজনীয় আইনানুগ ব্যবস্থা গ্রহণ করা হবে। তিন পার্বত্য জেলায় শান্তি ও সম্প্রীতি বজায় রাখতে সর্বসাধারণকে বিশেষভাবে অনুরোধ জানানো যাচ্ছে।​

Army makes ‘special request’ for calm amid riot concerns in hill areas
Published :
Sep 20, 2024 22:24
Updated :
Sep 20, 2024 22:24


The army has made a ‘special request’ to maintain peace in the three hill districts of Chattogram.

In a statement issued by the Inter-Services Public Relations, or ISPR, on Friday, concerns were raised about the potential for "severe riots" following recent clashes that resulted in at least four fatalities.

Section 144 has been imposed in Khagrachhari municipal town, district headquarters, and Rangamati municipal area reports bdnews24.com.

The ISPR statement detailed the initiation of the incidents and exchanges of gunfire between army personnel and local hill community leaders.

The final paragraph of the statement reads, “The ongoing tension in the three hill districts could transform into ‘severe riots.’ Community leaders are requested to immediately assist law-enforcing agencies in calming the ongoing unrest."

It also mentioned that legal action will be taken to identify the ‘real culprits’ through proper investigative measures.

It concludes by urging the public to play an active role in maintaining peace and harmony in the hill districts.​

'No compromise on sovereignty in CHT’: Students for Sovereignty
Published :
Sep 20, 2024 20:31
Updated :
Sep 20, 2024 20:31


Armed groups are killing unarmed civilians, attacking mosques, and engaging in arson and looting to destabilise the Chittagong Hill Tracts, alleged 'Students for Sovereignty', a platform of Bengali students from three hilly districts of Dhaka University.

On Friday, the platform organised a human chain and protest rally at the Raju Memorial Sculpture on the university campus, demanding safety for the people of the Chittagong Hill Tracts.

The students stressed that there can be no compromise on the question of sovereignty, saying, "Armed terrorist groups are killing unarmed civilians, attacking mosques, committing arson and looting to destabilise the region."

At the rally, the group demanded that armed terrorists in the Chittagong Hill Tracts be identified and brought to justice; law enforcement agencies take effective steps to recover all illegal weapons in the area; the army play an active role in ensuring the safety of ordinary citizens; and army camps be increased in areas where there are security risks.

Minhaj Tauki, who studies philosophy at Dhaka University, blamed the Awami League and India for unrest in the CHT. He said since the fall of Sheikh Hasina's dictatorial regime on August 5, the Awami League, with the help of India, has been trying to create instability in various sectors across the country.

Addressing the political representation of Bengalis in the hills, he said that Bengalis can neither become the chairman of the three hill district councils or the permanent council.

He also recalled the history of Bengali oppression in the CHT, saying, "Their tactics are not new; they started it back in 1973. Initially, there was no military rule in the region."

"The army is only needed when the police force becomes unsafe there. Considering the current context, the security of all Bengalis in Chittagong Hill Tracts should be strengthened to protect Bangladesh's sovereignty." he added.​

‘Vested groups behind violence in the hills’
3 advisers claim; blockade halt daily life in CHT


Law enforcers and army personnel stand guard on a road in Rangamati town yesterday after day-long violence and tensions between Bangalee and indeginous communities on Friday. Photo: Star

Three advisers, who visited Rangamati and Khagrachhari yesterday, have pointed out that vested groups are trying to destabilise the situation in the hills with a view to putting the interim government in an awkward position.

Urging everyone to remain vigilant, they assured the locals of forming a high-level committee to investigate all incidents that took place between Wednesday and Friday, and bringing the wrongdoers to book, said a release of the Chief Adviser's Office yesterday.

The recent violence in the Chattogram Hill Tracts has left four people dead.

Tension was prevailing in Rangamati and Khagrachhari yesterday as vehicles were off the roads and waterway transport services remained suspended amid a 72-hour road and waterway blockade enforced by indigenous protesters under the banner of Jummo Chhatra-Janata Parishad. The blockade began on Friday evening protesting the violence.

Markets, shops, and other businesses were shut in the two districts towns as Section 144 was imposed on Friday prohibiting assembly of five or more people.

Several vehicles were vandalised in Rangamati during Friday's violence, said transport owners.

Home Adviser Lt Gen (retd) Jahangir Alam Chowdhury, Local Government Adviser AF Hassan Ariff, and CHT Affairs Adviser Supradip Chakma visited the two hill districts yesterday. They discussed law and order with the locals and the government officials concerned.

They also met local political leaders, eminent personalities, representatives from business and trade bodies, media outlets, law enforcement agencies and district councils of Rangamati and Khagrachhari.

The advisers said the onus is on the local leaders to maintain harmony and peace and they must play their due role.

Law enforcement agencies have been asked to show maximum restraint, they said.

They warned that attacks on the places of worships would not be tolerated.

They said that treatment of all the injured will be ensured and the military hospitals will be made available for this purpose, if needed.

Speaking to reporters in Rangamati and Feni, Local Government Adviser Ariff and ICT Adviser Nahid Islam yesterday expressed suspicion that the recent violence in the hills was the result of a "conspiracy".

The home adviser, local government adviser, and CHT affairs adviser had a meeting with local government officials and the representatives of security forces at the Bangladesh Army's base in Rangamati around noon.

"[In the meeting,] everyone was saying that a conspiracy was hatched from abroad to disrupt harmony," Ariff told reporters after the meeting.

He said everybody demanded formation of an independent probe body.

Home Adviser Jahangir said a high-level probe body comprising some senior officials will be formed to probe the recent violence.

"No one will be spared. Those found involved in trying to incite violence will face stringent punishment. We will not allow any deterioration in law and order situation," he said.

Talking to reporters during his visit to some flood-hit areas in Feni's Chhagalnaiya upazila, ICT Adviser Nahid yesterday said attempts were made to worsen law and order in the country.

"There is a long-standing problem in the CHT region and we will have to solve it ourselves," he said.

Meanwhile, Foreign Adviser Md Touhid Hossain, while briefing reporters at his ministry, yesterday said he did not know anything about any conspiracy from abroad to create unrest in the CHT.

Violence broke out in two hill districts following the death of a Bangalee named Md Mamun in a mob beating. He was accused of stealing a motorbike in Khagrachhari town on Wednesday morning.

The following day, at least 30 houses and businesses belonging to indigenous people came under arson attacks in Khagrachhari's Dighinala upazila.

On Friday, four people were killed and at least 72 others injured as violence flared up in Rangamati town and Khagrachhari's Dighinala and Sadar upazilas.

[Our staff correspondent from Chattogram and district correspondent from Rangamati contributed to this report]​

আইন-শৃঙ্খলার অবনতি করলে কঠোর ব্যবস্থা: রাঙ্গামাটিতে স্বরাষ্ট্র উপদেষ্টা
‘যারা ভবিষ্যতে আইন-শৃঙ্খলা পরিস্থিতির অবনতি করবে, তাদের হাত ভেঙে দেওয়া হবে।’


ছবি: ইউএনবি

ভবিষ্যতে আইন-শৃঙ্খলা পরিস্থিতির অবনতি ঘটালে কঠোর ব্যবস্থা নেওয়া হবে বলে হুঁশিয়ার করেছেন স্বরাষ্ট্র উপদেষ্টা লেফটেন্যান্ট জেনারেল (অবসরপ্রাপ্ত) জাহাঙ্গীর আলম চৌধুরী।

তিনি বলেন, 'যারা ভবিষ্যতে আইন-শৃঙ্খলা পরিস্থিতির অবনতি করবে, তাদের হাত ভেঙে দেওয়া হবে।'

আজ শনিবার দুপুর সাড়ে ১২টায় রাঙ্গামাটির রিজিয়নের প্রান্তিক হলে তিনি এ কথা বলেন।

এর আগে গত দুই দিন সংঘর্ষ, ভাঙচুর ও অগ্নিসংযোগের পর পরিস্থিতি নিয়ন্ত্রণে রাঙ্গামাটির বিভিন্ন রাজনৈতিক দলের প্রতিনিধিদের সঙ্গে স্বরাষ্ট্র উপদেষ্টা বৈঠক করেন।

তিনি বলেন, 'যে অপ্রীতিকর ঘটনা ঘটেছে তার জন্য আমরা একটি উচ্চ পর্যায়ের তদন্ত কমিটি গঠন করব। আইন-শৃঙ্খলা কোনো অবস্থায় অবনতি হতে দেওয়া যাবে না। এর জন্য সবার সহযোগিতা কামনা করছি। কেউ যদি আইন-শৃঙ্খলার অবনতি করে, তাদের কোনো অবস্থায় ছাড় দেওয়া হবে না।'

আইন-শৃঙ্খলা উন্নতির জন্য সব সম্প্রদায়কে সহযোগিতার আহ্বান জানান তিনি। পাহাড়ে যাতে শান্তি-শৃঙ্খলা বজায় থাকে, সে জন্য তিনি জনগণদের বোঝানোর আহ্বান জানান।

এ সময় স্থানীয় সরকার, পল্লী উন্নয়ন ও সমবায় মন্ত্রণালয় উপদেষ্টা এ এফ হাসান আরিফ বলেন, পাহাড়ে সবাই সম্প্রীতি চাই। সম্প্রীতি নষ্ট করার জন্য বাইরে থেকে ষড়যন্ত্র করা হচ্ছে। তারা যাতে পাহাড়কে নিয়ে ষড়যন্ত্র করতে না পারে তার জন্য সবাইকে সজাগ থাকে হবে।

এদিকে, খাগড়াছড়ির দীঘিনালা ঘটনাকে কেন্দ্র করে রাঙ্গামাটিতে অনাকাঙ্ক্ষিত ঘটনার পুনরাবৃত্তি যাতে না হয় তার জন্য প্রশাসনের ১৪৪ ধারা বলবৎ আছে। অপর দিকে তিন পার্বত্য জেলায় পাহাড়ি ছাত্র-জনতার ডাকে চলছে ৭২ ঘণ্টার অবরোধ। সড়ক ও নৌ পথ অবরোধ ও যানবাহনের ধর্মঘটের কারণে রাঙ্গামাটিতে সব কটি সড়ক ও নৌ পথে সব ধরনের যানবাহন ও নৌ পথে লঞ্চ চলাচল বন্ধ রয়েছে।​

Fear reigns in CHT
Staff Correspondent 22 September, 2024, 00:28


National minority people of plain land holds a protest rally, demanding justice for the killing and arson attacks on the hill people in Rangamati and Khagrachari, at the Anti-Violence Raju Memorial Sculpture on the University of Dhaka on Saturday. | Md Saurav

Fear reigned supreme in the Chittagong Hill Tracts where life came to an abrupt halt on Saturday following two previous days of sectarian violence in Khagrachhari and Rangamati that left four ethnic minority men killed.

Section 144 imposed in parts of the violence-hit districts prevented the situation from worsening, but failed to restore the atmosphere required to bring hundreds of displaced ethnic minority families back to their homes.

The 72-hour road and waterways blockade enforced by a platform led by ethnic minority students left the restive three hilly districts, including Bandarban, completely detached from the rest of the country, further escalating the tension.

Condemnations poured in from socio-political organisations over the situation and the controversial role of the security forces, particularly the military, in escalating the tension instead of mollifying it.

‘The trust that has been broken cannot be so easily amended,’ said Rahel Chakma, a resident of Dighinala in Khagrachhari, the epicentre of the sectarian violence.

Dighinala is the largest upazila in Khagrachari where the sectarian violence flared up on September 19 leading to displacement of most of the largely Buddhist ethnic minority people comprising more than half of the upazila’s population.

Many of the ethnic minority families moved deep into the forests, taking shelter at their relatives in remote hilly villages where they reached after a perilous journey along with their children and elderly family members.

Many of the ethnic minority families left barefoot, leaving all their belongings back in their homes and businesses that were burned down in an arson attack launched by Bengalis on Thursday.

Bangladesh Buddhist Federation estimated that at least 100 shops and houses, mostly owned by their community members, were completely burned down in Dighinala.

Some of the shops also served as homes to ethnic minority families, said locals.

Buddhists temples also came under attack.

‘The return of ethnic minority families who lived in Bengali-dominated areas to their homes is really uncertain,’ said Triratan Chakma, who also sheltered a family in his home in Dighinala.

Dighinala upazila nirbahi officer Md Mamunur Rashid, however, said that he was not aware about any houses being set on fire.

But he admitted that some people did leave their homes out of fear and that effort was on to bring them back.

In Rangamati, ethnic minority people alleged that scores awaited rescue trapped in places where they had sought shelter after clashes broke out between them and Bengalis on Friday morning.

Some of the trapped people were injured.

‘Some of the injured came under another round of attack after we rescued them and took them to the Rangamati hospital,’ said Atul Chakma, a resident of Rangamati town, who was also injured in the attack.

Nipon Tripura, president, Chattogram Hill Tracts Hill Students Council, said that they rescued 200 people trapped in different places in Rangamati town, including in shops, since Friday afternoon.

The situation in Rangamati turned violent on Friday morning all of a sudden when a demonstration consisting of hundreds of ethnic minority people ended up confronting Bengalis at Banarupa.

About 40 houses and establishments belonging to ethnic minorities were set on fire in Rangamati, prompting scores of families to flee for their lives, some of them so scared that they jumped straight into the Karnaphuli River and swam across it.

There were reports about the violence separating children from their mothers who stayed miles away since Friday.

Imposition of section 144 and the 72-hour blockade stood in the ways of the families reuniting.

Local people said that life came to a complete stop in the CHT on Saturday as the movement of all kinds of vehicles to and from the hilly districts remained completely suspended due to the blockade.

The Bus and Launch Owners Association in Rangamati announced an indefinite strike on Saturday, protesting at the destruction of vehicles during the Friday protest.

The identity of the victim who was beaten to death by Bengalis in Rangamati on Friday was confirmed as Anik Chakma.

‘The situation is under control and no clashes took place after Friday,’ said Refat Asma, upazila nirbahi officer, Rangamati sadar upazila, adding that Section 144 was still in effect until Saturday afternoon.

Police and ethnic minority rights activists saw the sectarian violence to have launched over ethnic minorities as they freshly mobilised demanding restoration of democratic practices in the hills, ending of military rule and illegal settlement and full implementation of the CHT peace accord.

The violence was eventually stoked by the discovery of the body of a Bengali, Mamun, on September 18. Newspapers reported that Mamun, who stood accused in several criminal cases, was lynched by a mob.

The September 19 attack on ethnic minorities in Khagrachhari’s Dighinala was launched from a protest procession brought over Mamun’s death by several thousand Bengalis. The sectarian violence spilled over to Rangamati the next day.

The Chittagong Hill Tracts Commission, an international independent body, in a statement issued on Saturday said that Bengalis blaming ethnic minorities for the Bengali’s murder was unjust and not proven.

The CHT Comission raised question about the military’s role particularly citing two incidents —one of which is the opening of fire by the military on ethnic minority people at the Swanirbhar, Naranghiya and Upazlipara areas of Khagrachhari sadar.

The other incident, the commission said that is the march of a Bengali mob armed with clubs and sticks behind three military pickups around noon in the Fishery Ghat area of Rangamati. The mob attacked ethnic minorities and their property.

The Inter-Service Public Relations, however, claimed that the violence in Khagrachari was caused by the main faction of the United People’s Democratic Front.

The UPDF denied the allegation saying it was false.

A government team led by the home adviser visited some of the affected areas on Saturday. The adviser promised to deal with the situation with iron hand, a fair probe into the violence and restoration of peace.

The Communist Party of Bangladesh, Left Democratic Alliance, Bangladesh Udichi Shilpigoshthi, National Citizens Committee, Network for Democratic Bangladesh (Europe), Naripokkho, and a group of 45 eminent citizens condemned the sectarian violence and demanded a fair probe into it.

Ethnic minorities in Dhaka held a press conference in front of the Madhur Canteen at Dhaka University, protesting at the incidents in Rangamati and Khagrachari with a 7-point demand, New Age correspondent at the university reported.

They held the event under the banner Bikkhubdho Jumma Chhatra Janata in protest against attacks, arson, looting, vandalism on religious establishments by settler Bengalis with military support in Khagrachari and Rangamati, and shootings by the army that resulted in the killing of four minority people.

The demands included ensuring safety and security of hill people in the three hill districts, especially those affected by communal violence in Khagrachari Sadar, Dighinala, and Rangamati, conducting of an investigation into these recent attacks under the supervision of the United Nations, and ensuring exemplary punishment of those responsible.​

CHT violence not an isolated incident: Mirza Fakhrul
Published :
Sep 22, 2024 09:11
Updated :
Sep 22, 2024 09:11


Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir said on Saturday that the violence that happened in Rangamati and Khagrachhari hill districts on Friday was not an isolated incident rather it was a conspiracy to destabilise the country.

"The violent incident in hill tracts (Rangamati and Khagrachari districts) is a part of conspiracy to destabilise the government and the country," he told the media while exchanging views on different issues at the party chairperson's political office at Gulshan in the capital.

Expressing deep concern over the incidents of violence in the hill districts, he said, "The Awami fascist government was ousted by student-mass movement. But the collaborators of the defeated force still engage in creating trouble and anarchy in the country."

"They (collaborators) have been hatching deep conspiracy against the country. The conspirators (collaborators of the fascist Awami League) couldn't accept this historical victory (against Sheikh Hasina) and for this reason they have been continuing the activities of killings and anarchy," he continued.

"The country is yet to become safe fully despite people getting liberated from the terrible misrule of fascist Awami League," he maintained.

He said that the miscreants were desperately trying to destabilise the country. And for this reason they (miscreants) have attacked, killed and injured people in a barbarous style (in Khagrachhari and Rangamati).

"The incidents of heinous attacks on the people in Kgagrachhari and Rangamati are the reflection of the miscreants' desperate attempts to destabilise the country," he maintained.

He said that there was no alternative abut to tackle those miscreants with an iron hand.

He called upon all irrespective of their party affiliation to remain vigilant so that the miscreants could not achieve their goals by carrying out attacks and following the path of bloodshed.

He demanded immediate arrests of those involved in violence in the two hill districts.

He prayed for the salvation of the departed souls of the victims, conveyed his sympathy to the bereaved family members and early recovery of the injured people.

Mr Fakhrul Islam Alamgir further said that the caretaker government headed by Dr Muhammd Yunus was formed after discussion with all stakeholders including political parties, students representatives and armed forces.

"They (interim government) are sincere but they lack some experience. However, they will overcome it," he said.

He suggested holding regular meetings between political parties and the interim government aiming to narrow down the existing gap between them ( political parties and the interim government).

He said that the victory on August 5 through students-mass movement has given an opportunity to put the country on the right track.​

Crisis deepens as meaningful negotiation eludes CHT
Staff Correspondent 23 September, 2024, 00:34


Army personnel stand guard in Khagrachari district headquarters on Sunday amid road and waterways blockade enforced by national minority groups protesting at the deaths of their fellows in the recent violence. | New Age photo

Tension deepened in the Chittagong Hill Tracts with authorities failing as of Sunday to initiate a meaningful negotiation between the national minorities and Bengalis and take proper legal step to bring the perpetrators of the sectarian violence to book.

The murder case, filed over the death of Mohammad Mamun, 35, on September 19, included three Bengalis as key accused, while mentioned previous enmity as the possible motive, indicating the involvement of a force that turned a rather regular crime into the subject of a violence that rocked the three hill districts.

The police failed to arrest any of the three key accused as of Sunday after failing to contain the violence in the first place though there were witnesses to Mamun’s murder, at least one of them being treated at hospital, according to the murder case.

‘Evidence is there on how the murder was committed and who might be behind it,’ said Kohinoor, Mamun’s sister-in-law, who talked on behalf of Mukta Akter, wife of Mamun who filed the case, as she was too sick to speak.

New Age correspondent in Khagrachari reported that the three key accused in Mamun’s murder are Jubo Dal leader Shakil Ahammad, 37, and two Awami League leaders Rafiqul Alam, 56, and Didarul Alam, 50. Rafiq is a former mayor of Khagrachhari municipality.

The case statement said that Shakil kidnapped Mamun acting on the order of Rafiq and Didar.

Mamun, who the police said stood accused in several criminal cases, was found dead on September 18. The next day several thousand Bengalis brought out a procession in Dighinala protesting at the murder, passing the blame on the national minorities and eventually launching an arson attack gutting nearly 100 shops and houses, mostly belonging to the minorities, and at least one Buddhist temple.

The arson attack forced hundreds of Buddhist families comprising over half of Dighinala’s population to flee for their lives to the forest. Most of them remained hiding in the forest as of Sunday evening at the time of filing of this report.

The Khagrachhari unrest saw three national minority people get killed on September 19 as it spread to Rangamati the next day where one more national minority man was killed and around 50 houses belonging to these communities were vandalised and set on fire.

The violence prompted authorities to impose Section 144 on Friday afternoon on Khagrachhari Sadar and Dighinala upazilas along with Rangamati municipality. The administration in Khagrachari withdrew Section 144 hours later the same day, while in Rangamati it was withdrawn at 11:00am on Sunday.

No cases were filed over the casualties in Khagrachhari until Sunday evening. At least two of the deaths, witnesses and independent human rights observers said, occurred after the military had opened fire on a gathering of the ethnic communities in Khagrachhari sadar.

‘My boy had gone to save a relative’s shop being informed that Bengalis were about to attack Swanirbhar Bazar,’ said Rupsa Chakma, mother of Junan Chakma, who had just turned 21, one of the three dead.

Junan’s family was given Tk 25,000 by the deputy commissioner’s office that promised a fair probe.

Rupsa said that they were yet to decide regarding filing a case over her son’s killing.

The Chittagong Hill Tracts Commission, an independent watchdog, in a statement issued on September 21 said that the military opening fire on a gathering of ethnic minority people resulted in casualties.

Khagrachhari additional superintendent of police Tafiqul Alam said that they contacted families of the deceased who were yet to decide over filing of cases.

‘The police will file case over the incidents if the families don’t,’ said Tafiq without mentioning how long the police would wait for the families to complain.

No case was filed over the Dighinala arson as well.

The family of the fourth deceased, also a national minority youth, Anik Chakma, who died in Rangamati on September 20, said that they knew nothing about the murder case filed on September 21 over the death with the Kotwali police.

When contacted, Anik’s father, Adar Sen Chakma, said that he was not aware about a case filed over his son’s death.

‘We had high hopes for Anik. We sent him to Karnaphuli Degree College ignoring all our hardship,’ said Adar.

A case over the arson in Rangamati was filed on September 22 in which the police allegedly made every effort to keep the content of the case a secret.

‘A delicate crisis involving matters of mutual respect and trust cannot be solved like this,’ said Rahel Chakma, a resident of Dighinala.

Residents of Dighinala who left their houses out of fear had not returned as of Sunday evening.

Their hope of returning home faded after the meeting organised between ethnic minorities and Bengalis on Saturday afternoon over the arson attack in Dighinala ended amidst chaos with Bengalis reluctant to let ethnic leaders speak.

‘We were counting on the meeting to find a resolution to the problem through dialogue,’ said Chayan Bikash Chakma, chairman, Boalkhali union parishad, Dighinala.

‘They won’t even listen to us and we had to leave immediately after the meeting started,’ he said.

Several advisers visited the affected districts on Saturday to mollify the situation. At least one of the advisers was present in the Dighinala meeting that yielded no result, according to the ethnic leaders.

National minority people complained on Sunday facing obstacles from Bengalis during their movement.

The three hill districts, including Bandarban, remained detached from the rest of the country as the 72-hour road and waterways blockade that began on Saturday morning continued amidst an indefinite strike being enforced by the Rangamati’s bus and launch association.

The Chittagong Hill Tracts Agreement Implementation Movement held a protest rally in front of the National Museum in the capital at around 3:30pm on Sunday, demanding fair investigation into the violence in the CHT by a committee comprising human rights activists and civil society representatives.

Their other demands included ensuring the security of the national minorities in the CHT, compensating the families of the deceased and those who lost their property, treatment of the injured, and full implementation of the 1997 CHT peace accord.

The students of Jagannath University also demonstrated in Dhaka protesting at the unrest in the CHT. The United People’s Democratic Front, regional political party based in the CHT, demanded a probe under the supervision of the United Nations.​

Students call for restoration of peace in Chittagong Hill Tracts
Published :
Sep 23, 2024 21:11
Updated :
Sep 23, 2024 21:11


A group of students has called for the restoration of peace in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. Under the banner of 'Students Living in the Chittagong Hill Tracts,' they held a protest rally at the base of Dhaka University's anti-terrorism Raju sculpture on Monday.

During the public meeting, the students expressed concern over the oppression faced by native Bengalis in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. They alleged that a faction seeks to take control of the region by removing military presence, aiming to separate Chatoogram from Bangladesh and create an independent Jummland. They warned that if not addressed, this could lead to the need for visas to access areas like Sajek, Rangamati, and Bandarban.

Rakibul Islam, a Dhaka University student, stated that there are plans to designate Chattogram as the "eighth sister" alongside the Seven Sisters of the Northeast. He asserted that efforts are being made to portray native Bengalis as settlers and pledged to combat any conspiracies aimed at separating the Chittagong Hill Tracts. The students called for the intervention of the army to restore peace in the area.

The protesters displayed placards with slogans such as 'No one is tribal, we are all Bangladeshis,' 'Abolish tribal quota,' and 'Tribal campaigns should be declared treason,' among others.

Later in the evening, they held a torch procession starting from the Raju Sculpture.​

Rhetoric cannot hide CHT accord failures
Absence of political will is the main impediment


It is truly disheartening that even after 26 years since the Chittagong Hill Tracts Peace Accord was signed between the then Awami League government and the leaders of the Parbatya Chattogram Jana Sanghati Samiti (PCJSS), most of the key clauses have not been implemented. The government claims that they have fully implemented 65 of the 72 sections, while PCJSS says they have implemented only 25 sections, with 18 others being only partially implemented. So, what about the remaining 29 sections that have yet to see the light of day?

Over the last 26 years, the CHT has faced indiscriminate land grabbing, agricultural monoculture, devastating hill cutting, and stone extraction by private corporations as well as state bodies. The indigenous people face regular eviction with depleting land to grow food and live on. In addition, they face violence (including sexual violence against women and girls), with little or no legal recourse and the perpetrators enjoying impunity that is hardly challenged. Access to health and education is also very poor among these communities.

Recently, CHT civil society leaders and legal experts have been gravely concerned by legal proceedings to question the Chittagong Hill Tracts Regulation 1900, which provides for traditional indigenous institutions and upholds customary laws, conventions and practices relating to lands, territories, resources and the family laws of the indigenous communities. To invalidate the 1900 Regulation would be inconsistent with the spirit of the Accord.

Despite the partial implementation of certain clauses, such as the establishment of the CHT Affairs Ministry and regional councils, the fact is these bodies remain largely non-functional. The CHT Land Commission also remains non-operational as there are no regulations in line with the relevant act, with a draft of the rules formulated for the act still sitting with the concerned ministry. Other crucial steps that have yet to be taken for the Accord to be implemented include an exclusive voter list for permanent indigenous residents and enlisting members of the communities in the police force.

Despite multiple declarations in its manifestos, in the 15 years of the AL's rule, the Accord has remained largely unfulfilled. Will the government, which predictably will retain power after the upcoming elections, keep its promises to the indigenous communities of the CHT this time around?​

পার্বত্য জেলায় শান্তি স্থাপনে জাতীয় কনভেনশনের আহ্বান বিএনপির
এফই অনলাইন ডেস্ক
Published :
Sep 26, 2024 23:06
Updated :
Sep 26, 2024 23:06


পার্বত্য জেলাগুলোতে শান্তি স্থাপনের জন্য দেশের গুরুত্বপূর্ণ রাজনৈতিক দল, পার্বত্য জেলার সংশ্লিষ্ট নেতা ও অংশীজনদের নিয়ে একটি জাতীয় কনভেনশন ডাকতে অন্তর্বর্তী সরকারের প্রতি আহ্বান জানিয়েছে বিএনপি।

সোমবার (২৩ সেপ্টেম্বর) রাতে বিএনপি’র গুলশান কার্যালয়ে জাতীয় স্থায়ী কমিটির সভায় উপস্থিত নেতাদের বক্তব্যে এ কথা জানানো হয়।

বৃহস্পতিবার (২৬ সেপ্টেম্বর) সন্ধ্যায় গণমাধ্যমে পাঠানো এক প্রেস বিজ্ঞপ্তিতে এ তথ্য জানানো হয়।

পার্বত্য জেলাগুলোতে উদ্ভূত সংঘাতের ঘটনাগুলোতে সভায় গভীর উদ্বেগ প্রকাশ করা হয়। সভা মনে করে, ফ্যাসিস্ট হাসিনা সরকারের পতনের পর অন্তর্বর্তী সরকারকে অস্থিতিশীল করার সুদূর প্রসারী চক্রান্তের অংশ হিসাবে এই ধরনের সংঘাতের সৃষ্টি করা হচ্ছে। যা সম্পূর্ণ রূপে রাজনৈতিক উদ্দেশ্যপ্রণোদিত। এই ঘটনা দেশের স্বাধীনতা, সার্বভৌমত্বের প্রতি হুমকি। এই ঘটনাগুলো হালকা করে দেখার সুযোগ নেই।

পতিত ফ্যাসিবাদী শক্তি ক্ষমতায় ফিরে আসার জন্য পরিকল্পিতভাবে দেশের বিভিন্ন জায়গায় মাজারে হামলা, ভাঙচুর ও ‘মব লিঞ্চিং’-এর মতো ঘটনা ঘটিয়ে শিল্পাঞ্চল, ধর্মীয় প্রতিষ্ঠানে ভীতিকর পরিস্থিতি সৃষ্টি করছে বলে সভায় মত উঠে আসে।

বিএনপি মহাসচিব মির্জা ফখরুল ইসলাম আলমগীর স্বাক্ষরিত প্রেস বিজ্ঞপ্তিতে জানানো হয়, সভায় সম্প্রতি ‘বাংলাদেশি অনুপ্রবেশকারীদের উল্টো করে ঝুলিয়ে সোজা করা হবে’ বলে ভারতের কেন্দ্রীয় স্বরাষ্ট্রমন্ত্রী অমিত শাহ যে হুমকি দিয়েছেন তার তীব্র নিন্দা জানানো হয়। দুই দেশের জনগণের মধ্যে সুসম্পর্ক বজায় রাখার জন্য এই ধরনের মন্তব্য থেকে বিরত থাকার আহ্বান জানানো হয়। ইতোমধ্যে বাংলাদেশের পররাষ্ট্র মন্ত্রণালয় থেকে এ মন্তব্যে কঠোর সমালোচনা এবং বিরত থাকার আহ্বান জানানোয় সন্তোষ প্রকাশ করা হয়।

তারেক রহমানের সভাপতিত্বে অনুষ্ঠিত সভায় আরও অংশ নেন- ড. খন্দকার মোশাররফ হোসেন, জমির উদ্দিন সরকার, মির্জা আব্বাস, গয়েশ্বর চন্দ্র রায়, ড. আব্দুল মঈন খান, নজরুল ইসলাম খান, মির্জা ফখরুল ইসলাম আলমগীর, আমির খসরু মাহমুদ চৌধুরী, সালাহ উদ্দিন আহমেদ, বেগম সেলিমা রহমান, ইকবাল হাসান মাহমুদ টুকু, মেজর (অব.) হাফিজ উদ্দিন আহমেদ ও অধ্যাপক ডা. এজেডএম জাহিদ হোসেন।​

Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh integral part of India: Chakma bodies of Tripura​

Chakma National Council of India and Tripura Chakma Students Association, who have observed August 17 as ‘Black Day’ since 2016, held protests across 11 locations of Tripura.

Written by Debraj Deb
Agartala | Updated: August 17, 2019 22:08 IST


Chakma National Council of India and Tripura Chakma Students Association have been observing ‘Black Day’ on August 17 for three years now.

After seven decades of independence, people of Chakma ethnic community living in Tripura have claimed Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) to be ‘integral part’ of India and demanded justice from the International Court of Justice citing grounds of ethnic persecution.

Chakma National Council of India and Tripura Chakma Students Association, who have observed August 17 as ‘Black Day’ since 2016, held protests across 11 locations of Tripura including Agartala, Kanchanpur, Pecharthal, Kumarghat, Manu, Chailengta, Chowmanu, Gandacherra, Natunbazaar, Silachari and Birchandramanu this year.

Wah! These people now asking India to send troops to Bangladesh sovereign territory to "free it" for them.

They snuck in from Myanmar a few generations ago, now they want "Joomland".

If wishes could be horses....I want what these people are imbibing in the hookah, must be good.

Crisis deepens as meaningful negotiation eludes CHT
Staff Correspondent 23 September, 2024, 00:34

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Army personnel stand guard in Khagrachari district headquarters on Sunday amid road and waterways blockade enforced by national minority groups protesting at the deaths of their fellows in the recent violence. | New Age photo

Tension deepened in the Chittagong Hill Tracts with authorities failing as of Sunday to initiate a meaningful negotiation between the national minorities and Bengalis and take proper legal step to bring the perpetrators of the sectarian violence to book.

The murder case, filed over the death of Mohammad Mamun, 35, on September 19, included three Bengalis as key accused, while mentioned previous enmity as the possible motive, indicating the involvement of a force that turned a rather regular crime into the subject of a violence that rocked the three hill districts.

The police failed to arrest any of the three key accused as of Sunday after failing to contain the violence in the first place though there were witnesses to Mamun’s murder, at least one of them being treated at hospital, according to the murder case.

‘Evidence is there on how the murder was committed and who might be behind it,’ said Kohinoor, Mamun’s sister-in-law, who talked on behalf of Mukta Akter, wife of Mamun who filed the case, as she was too sick to speak.

New Age correspondent in Khagrachari reported that the three key accused in Mamun’s murder are Jubo Dal leader Shakil Ahammad, 37, and two Awami League leaders Rafiqul Alam, 56, and Didarul Alam, 50. Rafiq is a former mayor of Khagrachhari municipality.

The case statement said that Shakil kidnapped Mamun acting on the order of Rafiq and Didar.

Mamun, who the police said stood accused in several criminal cases, was found dead on September 18. The next day several thousand Bengalis brought out a procession in Dighinala protesting at the murder, passing the blame on the national minorities and eventually launching an arson attack gutting nearly 100 shops and houses, mostly belonging to the minorities, and at least one Buddhist temple.

The arson attack forced hundreds of Buddhist families comprising over half of Dighinala’s population to flee for their lives to the forest. Most of them remained hiding in the forest as of Sunday evening at the time of filing of this report.

The Khagrachhari unrest saw three national minority people get killed on September 19 as it spread to Rangamati the next day where one more national minority man was killed and around 50 houses belonging to these communities were vandalised and set on fire.

The violence prompted authorities to impose Section 144 on Friday afternoon on Khagrachhari Sadar and Dighinala upazilas along with Rangamati municipality. The administration in Khagrachari withdrew Section 144 hours later the same day, while in Rangamati it was withdrawn at 11:00am on Sunday.

No cases were filed over the casualties in Khagrachhari until Sunday evening. At least two of the deaths, witnesses and independent human rights observers said, occurred after the military had opened fire on a gathering of the ethnic communities in Khagrachhari sadar.

‘My boy had gone to save a relative’s shop being informed that Bengalis were about to attack Swanirbhar Bazar,’ said Rupsa Chakma, mother of Junan Chakma, who had just turned 21, one of the three dead.

Junan’s family was given Tk 25,000 by the deputy commissioner’s office that promised a fair probe.

Rupsa said that they were yet to decide regarding filing a case over her son’s killing.

The Chittagong Hill Tracts Commission, an independent watchdog, in a statement issued on September 21 said that the military opening fire on a gathering of ethnic minority people resulted in casualties.

Khagrachhari additional superintendent of police Tafiqul Alam said that they contacted families of the deceased who were yet to decide over filing of cases.

‘The police will file case over the incidents if the families don’t,’ said Tafiq without mentioning how long the police would wait for the families to complain.

No case was filed over the Dighinala arson as well.

The family of the fourth deceased, also a national minority youth, Anik Chakma, who died in Rangamati on September 20, said that they knew nothing about the murder case filed on September 21 over the death with the Kotwali police.

When contacted, Anik’s father, Adar Sen Chakma, said that he was not aware about a case filed over his son’s death.

‘We had high hopes for Anik. We sent him to Karnaphuli Degree College ignoring all our hardship,’ said Adar.

A case over the arson in Rangamati was filed on September 22 in which the police allegedly made every effort to keep the content of the case a secret.

‘A delicate crisis involving matters of mutual respect and trust cannot be solved like this,’ said Rahel Chakma, a resident of Dighinala.

Residents of Dighinala who left their houses out of fear had not returned as of Sunday evening.

Their hope of returning home faded after the meeting organised between ethnic minorities and Bengalis on Saturday afternoon over the arson attack in Dighinala ended amidst chaos with Bengalis reluctant to let ethnic leaders speak.

‘We were counting on the meeting to find a resolution to the problem through dialogue,’ said Chayan Bikash Chakma, chairman, Boalkhali union parishad, Dighinala.

‘They won’t even listen to us and we had to leave immediately after the meeting started,’ he said.

Several advisers visited the affected districts on Saturday to mollify the situation. At least one of the advisers was present in the Dighinala meeting that yielded no result, according to the ethnic leaders.

National minority people complained on Sunday facing obstacles from Bengalis during their movement.

The three hill districts, including Bandarban, remained detached from the rest of the country as the 72-hour road and waterways blockade that began on Saturday morning continued amidst an indefinite strike being enforced by the Rangamati’s bus and launch association.

The Chittagong Hill Tracts Agreement Implementation Movement held a protest rally in front of the National Museum in the capital at around 3:30pm on Sunday, demanding fair investigation into the violence in the CHT by a committee comprising human rights activists and civil society representatives.

Their other demands included ensuring the security of the national minorities in the CHT, compensating the families of the deceased and those who lost their property, treatment of the injured, and full implementation of the 1997 CHT peace accord.

The students of Jagannath University also demonstrated in Dhaka protesting at the unrest in the CHT. The United People’s Democratic Front, regional political party based in the CHT, demanded a probe under the supervision of the United Nations.​

I see no recourse except ramping up the re-population of the Hill Tracts with Bengali settlers from the plains. And simultaneously increasing military logistics activity, recce and communications.

There is no 'indigenous' population in the Hill Tracts, as some of these Chakma and Marma people claim.

No country in the world will tolerate these kinds of 'illogical requests' by racist entities like these tribals, as few as they are in number. They are dragging in India to intervene in a sovereign country.

If you cannot live as free citizens of a free country in inclusive DEI fashion (and ask repeatedly for special status in a protected area), then there's the door. Don't let it hit you on the way out.

Students call for restoration of peace in Chittagong Hill Tracts
Published :
Sep 23, 2024 21:11
Updated :
Sep 23, 2024 21:11

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A group of students has called for the restoration of peace in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. Under the banner of 'Students Living in the Chittagong Hill Tracts,' they held a protest rally at the base of Dhaka University's anti-terrorism Raju sculpture on Monday.

During the public meeting, the students expressed concern over the oppression faced by native Bengalis in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. They alleged that a faction seeks to take control of the region by removing military presence, aiming to separate Chatoogram from Bangladesh and create an independent Jummland. They warned that if not addressed, this could lead to the need for visas to access areas like Sajek, Rangamati, and Bandarban.

Rakibul Islam, a Dhaka University student, stated that there are plans to designate Chattogram as the "eighth sister" alongside the Seven Sisters of the Northeast. He asserted that efforts are being made to portray native Bengalis as settlers and pledged to combat any conspiracies aimed at separating the Chittagong Hill Tracts. The students called for the intervention of the army to restore peace in the area.

The protesters displayed placards with slogans such as 'No one is tribal, we are all Bangladeshis,' 'Abolish tribal quota,' and 'Tribal campaigns should be declared treason,' among others.

Later in the evening, they held a torch procession starting from the Raju Sculpture.​

Glad to see public opinion mobilizing, we are done with catering to these illegal interlopers like Hasina did, at the request of India.

We cater to Indian economy, and they do this to us with these tribals, enough is enough.

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