I believe the whole crux of the trump ME policy over the next 4 years will be to somehow/ any which way to convince Iran to drop the hatchet.
If trump cuts a deal with the iranis to their liking……then it will be the greatest victory for US foreign policy.
They’ll give Iran whatever it wants…..but in exchange they’d want an opposition to the establishment over in Tehran.
This will be the deal!
I wonder what the ayatollahs would say to it…..@Vsdoc
Do you think Israel coming physically closer to Iran's gates has made the world a safer place or a more dangerous one?
Here you have Pakistan, India and China sitting on each others borders. But status quo because of the nuclear buttons.
There you have Turkey, Iran, Israel and Saudi. Only one has nukes.
And 2/3 of the world's oil, if you move out Venezuela, US shale and Russia.
And 100% of the world's shipping.
You bet everyone is an affected and interested party.