[🇮🇷] Israel vs Iran Military Power Comparison 2023

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[🇮🇷] Israel vs Iran Military Power Comparison 2023
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😛 ......Israel is seriously no match for Iran at all. Iran's toady muzlim proxies alone are enough for 7 million hollywood shysters. Bicharay Sunni/ wahabbi converts on da US payroll, or they can't even pull out colored babies no?......Shadi beya vhee haram ho jaana hae ghareebon ka, in a few years, let alone daal roti/ chutney.......😛
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oh paee......if Israheel aleh salam goes under, then we da sunni toady ain't got no foundation to stand on either. Our entire chutiappa is based upon un-holy chutiya yahudi fake nhewj history no? All made up isstories of miracles and total khota biryani nonsense. What will become of our chutiya awaam if Iran dismantles jhoottay Isra-heeli fraudiye of hably babbly billy Kristols of Hollywhudd?...... 😛......I'm worried about our own chutiya awaam bhai. What will we do? Wtf is goin become of our made up religion? Sawdi/ wahabbi is long exposed as a fraud, Irani turani exposed as Zoroastrian, and Al-Turkiya Moghal is totally Athiest. Hum kya karain ab?
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Here the lower caste Indians trying to influence ghareeb muzlim coloreds as usual. The problem here is that these F-sola/ F-35 ain’t goin do jack shiit! 😝…..it’s too late now. Irans surrounded Isra-heel aleh salam with millions of trained and incensed people and put it under a permanent siege. F-sola or F-35 ain’t goin change this reality no matter what! Our bewquff awaam got no clue what’s goin down…😝
war are not only won with latest technology but with men with hearts of iron.
AK yaar it’s all ova! Iran nay phentti lugga dee hae isra-heel key using low cost slaves on less than min wage….😝….you know what would happen once that Al-chutiya falasteen comes into being it would totally be run by da irani’s. All these hamasiya thugs and jihadi boyz of PIJ are irani slaves and these badmash thugs will all run da show. Israel will wane away not because of losing militarily, but by losing emotionally and psychologically….😝, and these Al-Balastinian breed like cockroaches, so it’s goin be all ova demographically over the next couple of decades…..kuchh bhee kar lay Israel, they can’t do nothing…..their sun goin down.
Here's a dalit take on da regional musings.... 😛 .......Somethings these dalit say are true, no doubt, but their conclusions are chutiya. Always remember, these gypsy predicted the talibunnies were done n dusted when humreeka entered Afgaandistan and our pathetic convert jharrnails got some money to eat no?.......Lower caste musings take their own Makki roti/ Lassi/ Kuppi sorta pendu aura. Hindu chutiya can't figure it out that Iran's fukked Isra-heel aleh salam and Iran ain't even muzz-lim fo rheeell.....😛.....Chutiya hindu:
Bewquff Irani are so stupidd. If Isra-heel gets dismantled then it will be these iss-toopid Irani's who'd be labelled as da raging bull in da China shop. You break it, consider it sold!........Isstoopid IRGC will end up owning all these colored jews dat look kamel jaaky! 60% of Israeli are colored folk! just like their arab cousins. Iran would have to bring dem in its own country for protection, if, Isra-heel collapses. Arbi khotay will kill dem on da spot. These semitic gypsy lookin yahudi middle easterner folk will not be allowed in da EU, cuz da EU racists will treat dem like dey treat da Afghani/ Iraqi/ Syrians. I wonder if the IRGC has thought this thru or no?
Well lets see what other low level path of escalation Iran has to retaliate against Israel for Dumascus bombing. It was so overt / slap in the face that Iran is left with no choice but to do something, but its options are limited. Hizbollah is not going to go outright war in Lebanaon for having an embassy residence attacked.

One thing is for certain, Israel may have all the superiority for destroying everything next door in Gaza and for precision strikes in Syria.

But to conduct sustained over the horizon strikes in Iran in an attempt to neutralize it is not practical or possible. All its ISR capabilities and invincibility of its aircraft gets degraded the further they fly. And if US has to resupply weapons to sustain that conflict, than Iran does not need cutting edge weapons to open the front in Persian Gulf.
Well lets see what other low level path of escalation Iran has to retaliate against Israel for Dumascus bombing. It was so overt / slap in the face that Iran is left with no choice but to do something, but its options are limited. Hizbollah is not going to go outright war in Lebanaon for having an embassy residence attacked.

One thing is for certain, Israel may have all the superiority for destroying everything next door in Gaza and for precision strikes in Syria.

But to conduct sustained over the horizon strikes in Iran in an attempt to neutralize it is not practical or possible. All its ISR capabilities and invincibility of its aircraft gets degraded the further they fly. And if US has to resupply weapons to sustain that conflict, than Iran does not need cutting edge weapons to open the front in Persian Gulf.
Yaar irani toady killing 5 to 10 IDF daily. And injuring same same numbers. Iran's brought the war inside Israel. There are tunnels from south Lebanon inside Israel everywhere. It's the US threat of a nuke attack holding these iranis back vurna Israel would've ceased to exist long ago. Iran knows that once Israel falls, then Egypt, Turkey and Jordan will also automatically collapse. The US would have zero interest to prop up these proxies on life support.
You have to understand the Persian gameplan. They want to dominate the Middle East by removing Mongol-Arab axes from the equation. The problem with the US can be solved in a matter of a phone call from the Ayatullah and they will become friends again when the time is right. Who are dying now? Only Arabs and the Turkic-Khazar converts known as East European Jews. Few General’s deaths don't mean anything to the Persians because Ayatullah makes all the decisions.
Persians have successfully stalled the Abraham accord. They are the real winners. Iranian oil and gas will flow to the Mediterranean coasts of Lebanon and Syria through Iraq for the European customers leaving Turkey high and dry for their dumb and bad investment in Syria.
Americans love it, know it but they don't want to cut the Jews themselves. Persia will do it for them.
You have to understand the Persian gameplan. They want to dominate the Middle East by removing Mongol-Arab axes from the equation. The problem with the US can be solved in a matter of a phone call from the Ayatullah and they will become friends again when the time is right. Who are dying now? Only Arabs and the Turkic-Khazar converts known as East European Jews. Few General’s deaths don't mean anything to the Persians because Ayatullah makes all the decisions.
Persians have successfully stalled the Abraham accord. They are the real winners. Iranian oil and gas will flow to the Mediterranean coasts of Lebanon and Syria through Iraq for the European customers leaving Turkey high and dry for their dumb and bad investment in Syria.
Americans love it, know it but they don't want to cut the Jews themselves. Persia will do it for them.
Check da news. Netanyahu sahb is threatening to attack Irani nuke facilities. He’s panicking…..6 months coming up and he couldn’t even beat hamas k dalit….😝….what a joke the IDF is. 😝, and the IDF is withdrawing its divisions from south Gaza.
Check da news. Netanyahu sahb is threatening to attack Irani nuke facilities. He’s panicking…..6 months coming up and he couldn’t even beat hamas k dalit….😝….what a joke the IDF is. 😝, and the IDF is withdrawing its divisions from south Gaza.
The biggest loser is the Turkish shopkeeper.

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