Geopolitical importance of Bangladesh
Published : Monday, 4 September, 2023 at 12:00 AM Count : 5568
Alaul Alam
In the last fifty years Bangladesh has made a remarkable success in its every sector. Once branded as a "bottomless basket" is being considered now as a miracle of South Asia due to its emerging economic growth. The country has made a surprising success story over the years for which it is being considered as a global model for development, economic growth, poverty mitigation, and gender equality.
In some decades with its positive economic growth the country is firmly graduating from the least developed countries, which is predicted to be one of the 25 largest economies in the world by 2035. The country has earned geopolitical significance due to its rising prominence in the global economy.
Ashore of the Bay of Bengal the country has become very prominent in the world politics. Geopolitics of the country refers to interstate politics which depends on its territory. Geographically, situated in South Asia the country has become a rising star in the global geopolitical arena sharing both land and maritime borders with India and Myanmar.
Bangladesh has been made geographically important in the Bay of Bengal which has direct influence over landlocked - Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, and Arunachal Pradesh- Nepal, Bhutan. Being located in Indian mainland the country's strategic importance is very crucial.
Again, it is obvious that the Bay of Bengal has been a fertile ground for geopolitics over the centuries. Apart from Bangladesh, Srilanka, India, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia and Sumatra of Indonesia share their shores in the Bay of Bengal which have direct influence on the sea area of Bengal.
It is evident that major powerful countries prioritize the dominance over sea to dominate the world. However, the geopolitics surrounding the Bay of Bengal occurs not only for commercial but also for security purposes of a major power. Bangladesh situated in geographically favorable position has been a center of interests for USA, China, Nepal, Bhutan and Australia while some are interested to use seaports of the country to accelerate their trade and the others think it important in the South Asian as well as in global geopolitics.
India, an economically emerging state spans three sides of border with Bangladesh is always keen to observe strategies, policies and overallinternal politics of Bangladesh. The geographical position of Bangladesh has connected it with a natural link between South Asia and Southeast Asia. So, the participation of the country in case of strengthening regional cooperation is crucial in the two giant trade blocs in Asia-- the Association of the Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the South Asian Association of Regional Cooperation (SAARC). Besides, being a geopolitical ally to India Bangladesh has the potential to facilitate greater integration between Northeast India and Central India.
It is obvious that the diplomatic ties between Bangladesh and India is historical. Over the years these two neighboring countries have been on good term. Commonalities originating in Bangladesh- India relationship are tradition, culture, language, and shared principles such as secularism, democracy, etc. Since the Awami League coming to power in 2009, bilateral relations have peaked between the two countries. However, some issues between two countries are yet to be settled, such as water disputes, border killings, religious tension, and maritime border disputes. Border killing and illegal migration sometimes creates strain in Bangladesh and India relationship.
It is no denial that the Sino-Indian rivalry often puts Bangladesh in an advantaged position as the country maintains a balanced diplomatic act between India and China. During the Covid-19 pandemic we saw high level talks of the leaders of the two countries-Bangladesh and India and India helped its allies sending Covid vaccines. Bangladesh was fortunate to have vaccines from India as a top priority.
In the second wave of the Covid-19 when the Indian government stopped the supply of vaccines, immediately China agreed to deliver vaccine doses to Bangladesh. So, in most cases Bangladesh is benefitted as a country who maintains diplomatic balance with India and China. However, one thing is very obvious for Bangladesh to read the situation carefully to understand the intention of both these countries while utilizing an opportunity.
Over the last some years Bangladesh is facing Rohingya refugee crisis causing a major diplomatic hurdle and tension. From a humanitarian ground Bangladesh government took shelter more than a million displaced Rohingyas from neighboring Myanmar. Since the inception of the crisis, despite taking efforts made by the Bangladesh government several times Rohingya repatriation is yet to be settled due to the lack of willingness of the Myanmar government.
Certainly, the repatriation process is delayed as the international humanitarian agencies are not found proactive enough to settle down this crisis. It is observed that some western countries are extending humanitarian hands through delivering relief funds for the Rohingyas but it must be very urgent to resolve the crisis as it has become a burden for Bangladesh, causing hindrance in socio-economic progress.
Political analysts opine that Bangladesh being a member country of the Commonwealthmaintains a historical relationship with the UK who can be one of the major influentialsto settle down this crisis. The country with the solid political support from the UK may find the scope to present the Rohingya issue to the international arena. However, decisive diplomatic action is a crying need to accelerate the repatriation process.
In strengthening regional cooperation since her birth, Bangladesh has been following middle-route approach in the global foreign policy. During the regime of the father of the nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman middle route was adopted in the foreign policy of Bangladesh. In his speech Bangabandhu said, 'We are a small country, we want friendship to all and malice towards none. He adopted middle routes between the Western and Eastern blocs.
Over the years the country sees success in establishing good relationship with different countries and major powers by adopting a policy of peace and non-alignment. However, it is evident that South Asia and the Indian Ocean region is increasingly becoming a significant site of major power competition which leads Bangladesh to continuously adopt this middle-ground approach to be prominent geopolitically.
Things become challenging to adopt middle-route approach in case of receiving the invitation of the US to incorporate Bangladesh into the Indo-Pacific Strategy as it may arise a displeasing situation of China towards Bangladesh. In the global geopolitics the relation between the US and China raises rivalry. So, Bangladesh with a neutral foreign policy may see a challenging task to maintain a good relationship with both Washington and Beijing at the same time. Geopolitically, Bangladesh faces an awkward position with Russia's invasion to Ukraine as the country wants peaceful settlement of all disputes between two countries but it remains neutral and abstains itself from condemning Russia.
To this end, Bangladesh is becoming prominent gradually in the global political realm which not only opens up opportunities but also emerges challenges. It is imperative to analyze the present geostrategic reality and cope with the challenges that lie ahead while utilizing new opportunities.
The writer teaches at Prime University and a research scholar at the IBS
Published : Monday, 4 September, 2023 at 12:00 AM Count : 5568
Alaul Alam
In the last fifty years Bangladesh has made a remarkable success in its every sector. Once branded as a "bottomless basket" is being considered now as a miracle of South Asia due to its emerging economic growth. The country has made a surprising success story over the years for which it is being considered as a global model for development, economic growth, poverty mitigation, and gender equality.
In some decades with its positive economic growth the country is firmly graduating from the least developed countries, which is predicted to be one of the 25 largest economies in the world by 2035. The country has earned geopolitical significance due to its rising prominence in the global economy.
Ashore of the Bay of Bengal the country has become very prominent in the world politics. Geopolitics of the country refers to interstate politics which depends on its territory. Geographically, situated in South Asia the country has become a rising star in the global geopolitical arena sharing both land and maritime borders with India and Myanmar.
Bangladesh has been made geographically important in the Bay of Bengal which has direct influence over landlocked - Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, and Arunachal Pradesh- Nepal, Bhutan. Being located in Indian mainland the country's strategic importance is very crucial.
Again, it is obvious that the Bay of Bengal has been a fertile ground for geopolitics over the centuries. Apart from Bangladesh, Srilanka, India, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia and Sumatra of Indonesia share their shores in the Bay of Bengal which have direct influence on the sea area of Bengal.
It is evident that major powerful countries prioritize the dominance over sea to dominate the world. However, the geopolitics surrounding the Bay of Bengal occurs not only for commercial but also for security purposes of a major power. Bangladesh situated in geographically favorable position has been a center of interests for USA, China, Nepal, Bhutan and Australia while some are interested to use seaports of the country to accelerate their trade and the others think it important in the South Asian as well as in global geopolitics.
India, an economically emerging state spans three sides of border with Bangladesh is always keen to observe strategies, policies and overallinternal politics of Bangladesh. The geographical position of Bangladesh has connected it with a natural link between South Asia and Southeast Asia. So, the participation of the country in case of strengthening regional cooperation is crucial in the two giant trade blocs in Asia-- the Association of the Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the South Asian Association of Regional Cooperation (SAARC). Besides, being a geopolitical ally to India Bangladesh has the potential to facilitate greater integration between Northeast India and Central India.
It is obvious that the diplomatic ties between Bangladesh and India is historical. Over the years these two neighboring countries have been on good term. Commonalities originating in Bangladesh- India relationship are tradition, culture, language, and shared principles such as secularism, democracy, etc. Since the Awami League coming to power in 2009, bilateral relations have peaked between the two countries. However, some issues between two countries are yet to be settled, such as water disputes, border killings, religious tension, and maritime border disputes. Border killing and illegal migration sometimes creates strain in Bangladesh and India relationship.
It is no denial that the Sino-Indian rivalry often puts Bangladesh in an advantaged position as the country maintains a balanced diplomatic act between India and China. During the Covid-19 pandemic we saw high level talks of the leaders of the two countries-Bangladesh and India and India helped its allies sending Covid vaccines. Bangladesh was fortunate to have vaccines from India as a top priority.
In the second wave of the Covid-19 when the Indian government stopped the supply of vaccines, immediately China agreed to deliver vaccine doses to Bangladesh. So, in most cases Bangladesh is benefitted as a country who maintains diplomatic balance with India and China. However, one thing is very obvious for Bangladesh to read the situation carefully to understand the intention of both these countries while utilizing an opportunity.
Over the last some years Bangladesh is facing Rohingya refugee crisis causing a major diplomatic hurdle and tension. From a humanitarian ground Bangladesh government took shelter more than a million displaced Rohingyas from neighboring Myanmar. Since the inception of the crisis, despite taking efforts made by the Bangladesh government several times Rohingya repatriation is yet to be settled due to the lack of willingness of the Myanmar government.
Certainly, the repatriation process is delayed as the international humanitarian agencies are not found proactive enough to settle down this crisis. It is observed that some western countries are extending humanitarian hands through delivering relief funds for the Rohingyas but it must be very urgent to resolve the crisis as it has become a burden for Bangladesh, causing hindrance in socio-economic progress.
Political analysts opine that Bangladesh being a member country of the Commonwealthmaintains a historical relationship with the UK who can be one of the major influentialsto settle down this crisis. The country with the solid political support from the UK may find the scope to present the Rohingya issue to the international arena. However, decisive diplomatic action is a crying need to accelerate the repatriation process.
In strengthening regional cooperation since her birth, Bangladesh has been following middle-route approach in the global foreign policy. During the regime of the father of the nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman middle route was adopted in the foreign policy of Bangladesh. In his speech Bangabandhu said, 'We are a small country, we want friendship to all and malice towards none. He adopted middle routes between the Western and Eastern blocs.
Over the years the country sees success in establishing good relationship with different countries and major powers by adopting a policy of peace and non-alignment. However, it is evident that South Asia and the Indian Ocean region is increasingly becoming a significant site of major power competition which leads Bangladesh to continuously adopt this middle-ground approach to be prominent geopolitically.
Things become challenging to adopt middle-route approach in case of receiving the invitation of the US to incorporate Bangladesh into the Indo-Pacific Strategy as it may arise a displeasing situation of China towards Bangladesh. In the global geopolitics the relation between the US and China raises rivalry. So, Bangladesh with a neutral foreign policy may see a challenging task to maintain a good relationship with both Washington and Beijing at the same time. Geopolitically, Bangladesh faces an awkward position with Russia's invasion to Ukraine as the country wants peaceful settlement of all disputes between two countries but it remains neutral and abstains itself from condemning Russia.
To this end, Bangladesh is becoming prominent gradually in the global political realm which not only opens up opportunities but also emerges challenges. It is imperative to analyze the present geostrategic reality and cope with the challenges that lie ahead while utilizing new opportunities.
The writer teaches at Prime University and a research scholar at the IBS